These links contain information about your potential clients, and the other folks who will benefit from or use the products of your entertainment engineering practice and research.
Provides access to the extensive Data-Planet repository of standardized and structured statistical data.
Through a single platform, users can search and browse 25 billion data points in over 4.3 billion datasets sourced from over 75 authoritative government and private sources. The platform’s powerful functionality allows users to manipulate datasets, compare multiple indicators, chart trends over time and spatially represent data without requiring additional software programs. Multiple export options are provided. For more information on specific datasets and how to use Data-Planet, visit the Data-Planet LibGuide
SAGE Local & State Stats
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SAGE Local & State Stats has been retired. Content has been migrated to DataPlanet
Data about the Properties of Substances and Chemicals
1849- First-time users must register here to access the site.
Index to scholarly chemistry literature and database of chemical information searchable by chemical name or structure.
Use the search options at the top of the page to search for references, chemicals, or reactions. Searching for chemicals and reactions can be achieved by drawing them with the Structure Editor or Reaction Editor, respectively.
AccessEngineering provides online access to many engineering reference books, handbooks, technical materials, videos, as well as interactive tables and graphs.
Instructors can also access Schaum's Outlines and curriculum materials to support course and assignment design.
Reference work containing tables of information on chemical properties, constants, conversion factors, and other chemistry- and physics-related topics.
Alternate name: Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Online
Index to more than 177,000 known inorganic chemical crystal structures, synthesis data, and related literature. Searchable by chemical name, mineral name, and chemical formula and other characteristics, as well as article title or author.