Geographic information systems, GIS, is a useful tool to create, manage, analyze, and display geographically referenced information. UNLV Libraries Data and GIS Services offer a wide array of services and support for all geospatial endeavors for the UNLV community.
Click one of the links below to find out where to access GIS software.
We offer consultations to help you through various issues related to GIS such as:
It is the requester's responsibility to complete the work and/or assignment.
Course Support
We are happy to provide support for classes with a GIS component. We offer a variety of workshops and instructional materials on GIS, for beginner to advanced users. Please take a look at our full list of Trainings & Workshops.
Day & Time: Wednesdays at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST
Location: Lied Library Consultation Room
Day & Time: Mondays at 10 am to 11 am PST