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A guide for getting started with planning and designing infographics

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Finding and Collecting Data

To make an infographic, you're going to need some data. If you have your own data, you're ready to visualize it! However, not every infographic comes from original data. There are many places where you can obtain data to use for your infographic.

  1. The Library's Data and Statistics guide possesses many resources pertaining to publically available data. Within it, you can find local (Nevada) civic data (such as healthcare, education, environment, and crime statistics), US and international data, government data, and popular data resources.
  2. Open data portals are another great resource for finding data for infographics. Open data is data that can be freely used or reused without restriction. Open data portals typically store data from specific locations, such as cities or sites, and typically involve location-based information, including city statistics, crime information, geographical data, and more.
  3. With funders and publishers increasingly requiring data to be made available as part of conducted research, data repositories are great sources for finding new data. Data repositories can be generalist or subject-specific. While generalist repositories accept most data, subject-specific ones focus on a specific discipline and can range from broad topics (such as Natural Science) to very specific (such as genome sequences).

Whenever getting data from a source, be sure to check to ensure that the data you're looking at can be reused and if there are any conditions surrounding its reuse, such as citation.

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