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CEE 498 Senior Design & CEM 456 Capstone (Nambisan & Sehdev): Design Tools

Resources to support CEM 456 & CEE 498 students

CAD Resources at UNLV

UNLV's Office of Technology provides support for and access to Autodesk products, including AutoCad.  

Online tutorials are also available from Autodesk.

GIS Resources at UNLV

UNLV's Office of Technology provides support for and access to ESRI's ArcGIS software. 
UNLV's library guide, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), provides some introductory information about using GIS. 
Free training from ESRI is available in the Self-Paced Virtual Campus . You may need to create an ESRI Global Account to be able to access the free courses.
ESRI tutorials with datasets are also available.
Harvard University's Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) provides free tutorials for ArcGIS
MIT provides other helpful GIS information on a GIS guide website:  
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