Use the databases below to search the scientific literature. Read the description to find ones that meet your information need. Be curious, explore, and dive in!
The primary index to scholarly information in the mathematical sciences.
When trying to access the full-text of an article, click the Get Text button rather than the PDF link (which will take you to a PDF version of the bibliographic record).
This database is a free archive of mathematical publications at the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen and based on Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik (1868-1942).
Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) is an alternative database for pure and applied mathematics. Free access is limited to 3 results, and filter functions are disabled.
AMS Open Math Notes is a repository of freely downloadable mathematical works in progress hosted by the American Mathematical Society. These draft works include course notes, textbooks, and research expositions in progress. These are working documents still under revision and are published elsewhere.These materials are good teaching and research aids. Feel free to send constructive comments and suggestions to the authors.
Project Euclid is an online hosting platform for small scholarly publishers of mathematics and statistics journals managed by Cornell University Library and Duke University Press. started with a The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and is now jointly managed by the Cornell Library and Duke University Press. Over 70% of the journal articles hosted on Project Euclid are openly available. As of 2018, Project Euclid hosts 1.8 million pages of open-access content.
Nearly 2,000 full text Elsevier journals covering the areas of social science, medicine, science, and technology with deep backfiles for more than 1600 journals.
Web of Science is a platform for Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Index, Journal Citation Reports, Biological Abstracts, MEDLINE, and Inspec. Help?
Articles on engineering from journals and conferences published by the IEEE. Help?
Provides access to almost a third of the world's current electrical engineering, telecommunications, power, and computer science literature. Full-text access to all IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, and all current IEEE standards.
Articles from the ACM journals, magazines, and conference proceedings.
Use this resource to search citations and full text of ACM journal and conference proceedings. On the search results page, you may choose the option to" Expand your search to The ACM Guide to Computing Literature" to expand your search and use the UNLV Find Text button in the upper right corner to seek or request full text copies.