The IEEE Xplore Digital Library database contains peer-reviewed journal articles on engineering from journals, conference papers and more, published by various IEEE professional societies. You can learn more about this central IEEE professional organization on their home page.
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library database provides access to more than 5 million documents related to electrical engineering, telecommunications, power, and computer science literature. Full-text access to all IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, and all current IEEE standards.
The Basic Search tool will search within all IEEE Xplore content within the metadata fields such as Title, Abstract, Subject Terms Keywords and Author fields (not the full text of the documents). Results will be ranked by relevance to your search words.
IEEE is a global professional society focused on electrical and electronics engineering, and "the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology". There is an IEEE Registered Student Organization at UNLV.
There is also a local branch for IEEE members, IEEE Las Vegas. This group has three active sections, as well as the student organization at UNLV
IEEE is also a standards developing organization and the IEEE Standards Association provides useful information about the process for developing these standards. See news and updates about standards, including this blog post about how technology standards can help you in your career. UNLV students and employees can search for and access the full text of IEEE standards through the IEEE Xplore database.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library also has several advanced search features.
You may also save searches and receive periodic search results updates by creating a personal IEEE account tied to the UNLV Libraries' subscription.
Learn more about these and other interesting search ideas at the IEEE Xplore training webpage.