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Engineering (General)

Guide to selected resources in engineering and computer science.

NCEES Licensure Exam Preparation Materials

The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) is a nonprofit organization providing professional licensure for engineers and surveyors in the United States of America. The NCEES website provides exam information, options to purchase sample exam questions, and other free reference materials. 


Lied Library offers several calculators for short term (3 days) loan.  One of the "Scientific Calculator" models is the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS shown below, and some come with the printed user manual.  Please verify that the model we have (and that is available to you when you check it out) is accepted by your testing site. Currently (July 2023) we have TI-30XIIS, TI-36XPro, Casio FX-991MS and Casio FX-115ES Plus.

Scientific Calculator for loan with user manual, available at the UNLV Lied Library for 3-day loan. Loan label states that items must be returned to the circulation desk inside the library.

UNLV Library FE and PE Preparation Materials

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Review Materials
Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam Review Materials
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