Student Diversity and Social Justice - The Global Diversity Program Coordinator serves UNLV's international and Asian, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern (APIME) student communities. The coordinator creates programs, facilitates student workshops, and provide resources with the goal of affirming, educating, and empowering students.
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) - The SASE mission is to prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for success in the global professional world, celebrate diversity on campus and in the workplace,and provide opportunities for members to make contributions to their local communities.
Asian Pacific Islander Student Dental Association (APISDA) - The mission of the APISDA is to promote Asian Pacific Islander culture and address the oral health needs of the rapidly growing community in Las Vegas.
Epsilon Alpha Sigma- The goal of Epsilon Apla Sigma is to expose their peers to the diversity that exists within the Arab world and the impact empowered Arab women make both in their immediate community and around the world.
Students Organizing Diversity Activities (SODA) - SODA is a student programming council responsible for planning and implementation of programs recognizing cultural,vheritage, and awareness months including APIME month.