We invite feedback and recommendations for more resources. While we have done our best to use inclusive language, we recognize there may still be instances where we may have caused unintended harm and would be grateful for suggestions on how to make improvements.
Please contact Kathryn Houk, Undergraduate Medical Education Librarian, at kathryn.houk@unlv.edu.
The following are a small but impactful selection of articles and editorials discussing racism and allyship.
There are fewer resources available for exploring racism in dentistry, but the following are a small collection of articles and articles that speak to the issues.
A simple search string can help uncover more articles and research evidence on racism in medicine and healthcare. Here's a suggestion for a search in any of the Health Sciences Library databases such as Embase, CINAHL, or Clinical Key:
(discrimination OR racism OR oppression OR bias) AND (medicine OR health OR "medical research")
Example Lists of Results:
The following links are to resources that aim to assist in educating about the history and impact of racism, as well as how to begin working on anti-racism within yourself and your community.
If you would like to start somewhere, this reading program was developed by medical students at the University of Washington and the curriculum is being freely shared via the following link. Over 100 medical schools have contacted the lead students for copies of the program to implement at their own institutions.
Available on a combination of free and subscription service platforms.
Look for these podcasts on your favorite streaming app.
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