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Hon 430 (Curry): Primary sources

Environmental history; 17th century

Databases: Primary Source Collections

The full text of letters and diary entries, often from works that have been previously published as books containing collections of letters or diaries. Use the Browse indexes to find works about specific historical or life events.

Use the date range limit to narrow your search to a relevant time period. 

free online collections (find more on Historic Newspapers page)

lists and search tips

Search for articles published in popular magazines and journals from different times in history.

Collections of several types of primary sources curated around a topic or theme.

Digitized collections of books published during different time periods.

Official government publications, including laws, treaties, and records of legislative proceedings.

United States

Great Britain

Digitized photos, films and art images.

These links allow you to search across multiple databases at the same time.

Freely available online collections

Microfilmed research collections

Magic Words!

On the web

In a search engine, add the term

"digital collections"

to your search to uncover collections of primary sources digitized by archives, libraries and cultural heritage organizations.

Reprinted in books

In a library catalog, in the advanced search form, find the Subject: field and add the term


 to find primary source collections reprinted in books. 


Recognizing Primary Sources

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