You will be prompted to log in with your ACE Account credentials to have access to the resource if you follow any of the above routes. If you attempt to go directly to a resource while "off-campus" you will either be denied full access or be presented with a pay wall.
In order to request items SOML does not have, you will need to set up an account in the ILLiad system. This can only be done if you have a RebelCard or after you have requested and received a library barcode.
Once you have successfully registered for an ILLiad account, when you use library databases, you can auto-fill request forms if the library does not have access to an article you find.
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Your Liaison Librarian is available to work with you remotely for research and scholarship guidance, one-on-one consultations, information about library resources, and to support your faculty with embedded virtual instruction and support.
Mayra Corn
Be sure to check out your Resource Guides:
Your Liaison Librarian is available to work with you remotely for research and scholarship guidance, one-on-one consultations, information about library resources, and to support your faculty with embedded virtual instruction and support.
Aidy Weeks
Be sure to check out your Resource Guide:
Your Liaison Librarian is available to work with you remotely for research and scholarship guidance, one-on-one consultations, information about library resources, and to support your faculty with embedded virtual instruction and support.
Be sure to check out your Resource Guide:
Your Liaison Librarian is available to work with you remotely for research and scholarship guidance, one-on-one consultations, information about library resources, and to support your faculty with embedded virtual instruction and support.
Xan Goodman
Be sure to check out your Resource Guide: