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Submitting Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) to the University Libraries

For UNLV graduate students submitting an ETD or doctoral project as part of their program requirements.

Step 7

University Libraries publish ETD in ProQuest and Digital Scholarship@UNLV

Once the University Libraries receive the Conferral List from the Graduate College, we will publish the ETD in both ProQuest and Digital Scholarship.

You may have noticed that the student only submits their ETD to ProQuest, but somehow it gets published in both ProQuest and Digital Scholarship@UNLV. This is correct! The University Libraries has a crosswalk process where we pull your submission from ProQuest into Digital Scholarship@UNLV.

This makes it easier for everybody: the student only has to submit to one place and if there are any changes or revisions to the submissions, there's no need to keep two separate copies up-to-date.

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