These databases are excellent sources for scholarly and research articles in education.
PLEASE NOTE: Most journal articles in these searchable databases will be available to you full-text online. Those that are not available full-text can be acquired via Interlibrary Loan at no cost with a turn-around time of 2 or 3 days.
The American Psychological Association's international psychology database indexes journal articles, books and dissertations.
Update frequency: Updated monthly
PsycINFO, from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains nearly 2.3 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s. 97 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. The database also includes information about the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, law and others.
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Place quotation marks around words to search for an exact phrase, e.g., "high school" (works in many databases and Google) |
And or Not connector between concepts |
“Or” connector between synonyms |
Field Limiters, e.g., dates, type of document |
Truncation or Wildcard (e.g., child* to search for all terms beginning with child, e.g. child, children, childcare) |
Use the controlled vocabulary (human assigned main topics --Thesaurus) |
Free-text or keyword searching (computer mediated, no human intervention) |
Proximity searching, e.g., first year n3 retention (finds results in which first year is found within 3 words of retention) |