Our Graduate Workshops series addresses important skills for advanced researchers in a range of disciplines.
The Graduate College's Student Success Institute hosts an extensive series of workshops on a range of topics. Their Grad Rebel Writing Boot Camp provides a great opportunity to make progress quickly.
The Writing Center has an extensive set of workshops designed for graduate students working on long documents.
Ensure long-term stability of your document's hyperlinks with:
EdDPrograms.org provides a helpful guide for those considering pursuing the EdD degree,
The Graduate College's page with official format and submission guidelines.
Looking at successful theses and dissertations can help you determine an appropriate scope for your project.
A good place to start is Proquest's Dissertations and Theses database. It provides full text for most dissertations and theses after 1997, with citations and/or abstracts available for dissertations going back to 1861.
Your subject specialist librarian can also help you track down dissertations and theses in your discipline.
Check out this guide for the basics of citation in the most commonly used styles (MLA, APA, and Chicago).
Your subject specialist librarian is an invaluable source of help for tricky citations (unusual formats, citation elements missing, understanding DOI's, etc.).
We also have online guides for popular citation managers:
Expand the scope of your research by requesting books and articles from other libraries. Borrowing Services provides Interlibrary Loan and other services to give you access to materials from other libraries, typically free of charge.
UNLV provides open access to recent theses, dissertations, and some capstone projects and professional papers. Recent additions to the collection can be found below, and the entire online collection can be viewed in Digital Scholarship@UNLV, the institutional repository.
Subject specialist librarians provide support for students doing advanced research. They are eager to work with you by phone, via email, or in person.
To schedule an appointment for a consultation, use this page to find a convenient time to talk.