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COE 202: Second Year Seminar: Professional Poster

Use this guide to find resources related to the College of Education Second Year Seminar

Poster Resources

This page includes resources for making your Professional Poster. We also offer discounted poster printing in the TDRL for this class. We generally update this page with details about the poster printing program around the middle of the semester. 

Need research help? Contact Samantha Godbey, Education Librarian, at

Need poster design help? Contact Katherine Keller, TDRL Evening & Weekend Supervisor, at

Poster Template

This box gives you the basic information you need to create your poster. If you want to print your poster in the TDRL for only $10, see the box below this one for more information.

Design your Poster Using the Provided Poster Template

Use this template for your poster. Feel free to change the colors or design, but if you make changes or create your own document, make sure your poster is set to print at the size 24" x 36".

Not sure how to start or need design help? Contact Katherine Keller at

Discounted Printing


Available for up to 100 students in COE 103, 202, and 303 at the TDRL (the library on the first floor of CEB).

In order to receive discounted printing for your final poster (the standard price in the library is $24), complete the steps below.

1. Reserve Your Spot

Let us know you're planning to print your poster with us by completing THIS FORM. We will close the form on Thursday of Week 12 (April 17), or when we've reached 100 students, whichever comes sooner. If you don't get one of the spots for discounted printing, you can either print your poster at Lied Library for full price ($24) or see below for options to print it yourself.


2. Design your Poster Using the Poster Template

Use this template for your poster. Feel free to change the colors or design, but if you make changes or create your own document, make sure your poster is set to print at the size 24" x 36".

Not sure how to start or need design help? Contact Katherine Keller at

3. Submit Poster for Printing

Use our form to submit your poster to library staff using our Google Form by the appropriate deadline. These deadlines allow time for our staff to catch any printing issues and contact you in case of problems. NOTE: There are two different deadlines for in-person vs. hybrid sections in order to make sure we can print all the posters on time. 


Submission Deadlines:

COE 202 IN-PERSON Sections: Thursday, April 24 at 11:59 pm (Thursday of Week 13)

COE 202 HYBRID Sections: Wednesday, April 30 at 11:59 pm (Wednesday of Week 14)

4. Pick up Your Poster

We'll send you an email when your poster is ready for pick up in the Teacher Development and Resources Library (CEB 101). It will be ready no later than the morning of the Symposium. $10 is due on pickup. Credit/debit, check, RebelCash, Apple Pay, or Google Pay is accepted; no cash.

5. (Optional) Share Your Poster at Digital Scholarship@UNLV

You have the option to add your poster to Digital Scholarship@UNLV, an online repository of UNLV student and faculty research. See below for more information about this opportunity to share your work online.

Design Tips

Tips for creating a professional looking poster:


  • Pick a simple color scheme.  Two to three colors tend to be enough. 
  • Use color strategically to highlight areas of your poster (headers, tables, etc.).  


  • Try to have at least one image: picture, table, graph, etc.
  • Use high res images that won't pixelate when printed.


  • Pick a simple font scheme.  Fonts for headers can be different than what is used in the body of the text, but be consistent.
  • Choose a clear, easy to read, professional font. 
  • Use a standard font common to both Macs and PCs.

Need additional design help?

  • Contact Katherine Keller at the TDRL to set up a design consultation. 


Printing Your Poster Yourself

Want to print your poster yourself without paying $10 or more? You have a couple of options.

First, you can take each of your boxes and copy and paste them into a Word document and print them out that way.

Or, you can print it in chunks, also known as "tiling" or "tiled printing." Unfortunately, PowerPoint doesn't include this option, but if you save your poster to a PDF document instead, you will have the option to print your poster as multiple smaller pages. It will look something like this. Notice that you want to select the following options:

Pages to Print: Select "Current" or Page 1 to avoid also printing your Reference page this big.

Page Sizing and Handling: Select "Poster." You can also choose to include cut lines on the pages or labels to help you with assembling your poster.

Screenshot of print dialogue box for printing poster in multiple smaller pages. Arrows point to options to print only the first page, and to select the size of your print.

See here for more information:

Publishing Your Poster

Did you know there is an online collection of COE 103 and 202 posters from past semesters? (Note: If you're currently designing your poster and looking for ideas, be sure to follow this semester's instructions as you put together your poster. There were different requirements for content in past semesters. See here for design tips.)

Adding your poster allows you to share your work with a broader audience. You can easily share your poster with potential employers or family, and you will receive reports on how many times people across the world have viewed it. 


Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Samantha Godbey
Subjects: Education, Psychology

TDRL Evening & Weekend Supervisor

Profile Photo
Katherine Keller
Teacher Development & Resources Library
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, NV 89154-3009
© University of Nevada Las Vegas