If you are following along with this guide, you now have:
Next, you will have to start to do the work of collecting the visual elements which you will use in your video. These visual elements may include video captured with a camera or smartphone, still photos, charts, graphs, screen-recordings, or animations that you have created.
Remember that the audio is also a very important part of your video production and you may have to record voiceover, sound effects, or find music which sets the tone for your video.
Lastly, you will assemble the collected video and audio clips into your final video using an editing program.
In this stage, ask yourself:
How can I record good quality video for my project?
The video embedded below is a tutorial on creating a video from the Office of Online Education. To clarify, Windows Movie Maker is no longer available as a video editing platform for Windows 10. You can now use the Microsoft Photos app instead.
Following the tips below will help you record quality, professional-looking footage.
Did you know there is a space on campus that you can use to make a video?
The Video Production Studio is located on the first floor of Lied Library. You can find information on the equipment available, making a reservation, and booking a consultation to get help on the University Libraries' Multimedia webpage.
You can access this page via the link below.
There is a Studio binder in the Video Production Studio that walks you through the process of creating and saving a video with the equipment located in the room.
However, you can also find these documents linked below.
Check out the links below to ensure your video production is accessible:
Once you have established a purpose and collected all the pieces that you need for your video project, it is time to start assembling them into a coherent whole.
The following tips can be used to assemble the pieces of your video footage into a final video production. However, there is no single right way to assemble your video, and using your creativity will help make the final product more memorable.