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Video Production: Plan

Tips, tools, and inspiration to start creating a video.

Planning your Video Production Project

In this stage, ask yourself:

What is the goal of my video?

Creating a goal for your video will keep you focused on the most important content for your project. What are the objectives of your video? These objectives may be set by an assignment or something that you need to come up with on your own. Regardless, crafting a strong statement of the purpose of your video will help you to stay on track during the production process. Take a look at the following examples:

Video Title Objective
Community Recycling in Clark County The purpose of this video is to promote the recycling program and recruit more volunteers.
Food-seeking Behavior of Microbats The purpose of this video is to present scientific research on microbats to the Chiropterologist (bat scientist) community.
Promote Your Company with Video Ads from ThunderVid The purpose of this video is to market the video production company, ThunderVid, and increase sales of video advertising services.

Next, ask yourself:

What is the content of my video? Who is my audience?

Two important things to consider when creating any video project are the content and the intended audience. Taking these aspects of your production into account in the planning phase of your project will result in a final product which conveys your most important points and connects with your audience.

Content - What tools are you planning on using to convey information in your video project? Consider whether any of the following will be included: 

  • Statistics
  • Personal story
  • Dramatization
  • Others?

Audience - Who is your target audience for your video? Consider the following audience characteristics.

  • Demographics
  • Culture
  • Language
  • Others?

Scripting & Storyboarding

In this stage, ask yourself:

How will I visually convey the purpose of my video?

An important part of the video production process is writing a script and creating a storyboard.

A script is the text-based, written document that represents the content of your video, while a storyboard presents the visuals that you plan on using to depict the content.

Regardless of the purpose of your video, its content tells a story. You will want to write a script and create a storyboard to organize your thoughts before moving on to capturing video footage. This can help ensure that you will only do the amount of work that is needed to fulfill your video's purpose.

The links below will help you write a script and make a storyboard for your video.

Using What You Have

In this stage, ask yourself: 

What type of technology do I already have?

Specialized equipment is not necessary to make a professional-looking video production. Most smartphones have video capturing abilities and voice recorders, as well as desktops and laptops with built-in webcams and mics.

Take a look around your settings to see if you have something that could be used as a tripod. This could be a flat table-top, or a stack of books on a flat surface. It is possible to create a great video using your available devices and every-day items.

You can consult with a specialist about your technology and how it could be used to make a video by scheduling an appointment: Lied Technology Consultations. You can also learn more about additional technology on the Create and Discover tabs of this guide.

Campus Technology for Video Production

If you are interested in experimenting with cameras, microphones, and other video production equipment, you can check these items out at Lied Library.

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