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Black History Month Resources: The 2025 Black Read-In

Welcome to the Black History Month Resource Guide: In honor of February being Black History Month, we are highlighting a number of African American resources that are available through UNLV Libraries, in addition to a variety of web resources.


The National African American Read-In (AARI) is a groundbreaking effort to encourage communities to read together, centering African American books and authors. It was established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month. This initiative has reached more than 6 million participants around the world.
Since its conception in 1990, the African American Read-In has had more than six million global participants.

What is a Read-In?

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During the month of February, schools, churches, libraries, bookstores, community and professional organizations, and interested citizens are urged to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month by hosting an African American Read-In. Hosting an event can be as simple as bringing together friends to share a book or as elaborate as arranging public readings and media presentations that feature professional African American writers.

Would you like to support some Black owned bookstores?

Check out these dope options below!

What Books Are Good to Read?

Want to beef up your reading lists with African American Authors, but don't know where to start? Take a look at these booklist suggestions to get started!

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