The UNLV Libraries subscribes to several resources that allow you to stream productions from the comfort of your own home! For more information on our streaming databases, please visit our Online Movies & Streaming Video Guide.
This streaming video service provides access to thousands of titles in such areas of the arts, humanities, business, sciences, media/communications, education and more.
Source producers include Media Education Foundation, BBC, PBS, Kino Lorber, Documentary Educational Resources Collection, among others.
Theatrical images
Art and museum collections
Art digital images and related data.
A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, social sciences and related data; the tools to actively use those images; and a restricted usage environment that seeks to balance the rights of content providers with the needs and interests of content user.
Periodical collections
Magazines revealing British life in the Victorian age and the events, lifestyles, values, and ideas that shaped their world.