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The leading text on architectural research, Architectural Research Methods, Second Edition is completely revised throughout to include current trends and innovations in research, and discusses interdisciplinary involvement with design/build, sustainability and policy, urban design, product design, and product systems. This practical guide for architects and designers employs real-life examples of how good research can be used, from project inception to completion. New coverage of design studio-based research shows how the strategies described can be employed while new discussion of the use of digital media help frame the scope of research.
Architectural Technology: research and practice demonstrates the importance of research in architectural technology and aims to stimulate further research and debate by enlightening, informing and challenging readers. Chapter authors address the interplay between research and practice in the field of architectural technology, examining the influence of political, economic, social, environmental and technological issues. The focus throughout is on creating sustainable buildings that are constructed economically and function effectively and efficiently within their service life cycle.
Writing Architecture considers the process, methods, and value of architecture writing based on Carter Wiseman's 30 years of personal experience in writing, editing, and teaching in young architects how to write. This book creatively tackles a problematic issue that Wiseman considers to be a crucial characteristic of successful architecture writing: clarity of thinking and expression.
Evidence-Based Design: A Process for Research and Writing serves as a guide to help students conceptualize and formulate their design ideas and then to evaluate and test those ideas through a succinct, organized process. The result is the culmination of a comprehensive document that articulates a design concept and justifies key design attributes.
This classic text provides a complete guide to what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and what the major pitfalls are. This is a comprehensive guide to all that an architecture student might need to know about undertaking the dissertation. The book provides a plain guide through the whole process of starting, writing, preparing and submitting a dissertation with minimum stress and frustration.
Since its release in 1946, this has been one of the most widely recognized and respected resources for architects, engineers, and designers, bringing together the knowledge, techniques, and skills of some of the most well-known experts in the field. The new Eighth Edition takes a fresh, visual approach to the information architects need to access quickly, helping them save time and money by assuring they get it right the first time. Readers will find timely, new chapters on building security, natural disaster mitigation, building diagnostics, facility management, and much more.
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