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PBL Resource Guide

This guide provides the information you need to get top marks on your learning issues presentations in Problem-Based Learning.

State, Regional & City Data

U.S. Federal Health Data

  • Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)

    The CMS data navigator provides a portal to link data seekers to sources of data related to CMS. Data provided is that which is publicly available with non-identifying information.

  • CDC-Wonder Online Databases

    Includes national health statistics for infants, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. There are also links to the MMWR morbidity and mortality tables available.

  • CDC- National Center for Health Statistics

    The National Center for Health Statistics site includes explanations about data access and use. Data from CDC Wonder and WISQARS is available. Data about diseases and conditions are available for ten broad topics, including diabetes, cardiovascular, and dementia and mental health.

  • CDC- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

    BRFSS is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's public health inquiry tool.

U.S. Healthcare Delivery & System Data

  • American Association of Hospitals (AHA)

    AHA provides reports and studies about hospital related data.

  • Healthcare cost and utilization project (HCUPnet)

    Healthcare cost and utilization project (HCUPnet) is a freely available statistical information on community hospital information covering: hospital stays, conditions, costs including Medicare, Medicaid, private, and uninsured patients.

  • CDC- National Hospital Care Survey

    The National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) is designed to provide accurate and reliable health care statistics that answer key questions of interest to health care and public health professionals, researchers and health care policy makers.

  • US National Health Care Surveys

    There are many freely available datasets related to national ambulatory health care. To view the list of existing datasets, click the link above and select from the available list of resources.

Global Health Data

For an extensive list of resources, see the University of Michigan's Global Health Information & Resources Library Guide.

Statistics & Data by Topic

Statistics by Disease/Disorder


Behavioral & Mental Health


  • National Health and Nutrition Health Examination Survey

    "The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. The survey is unique in that it combines interviews and physical examinations."

© University of Nevada Las Vegas