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Resources for Residents and Fellows

An easy access collection of resources of services for residents and fellows
undefinedClick here to Search PubMed for articles

Blue text that reads "Psychiatry Online" (POL) offers the most comprehensive online access to psychiatric textbooks, journals, and professional development tools. This all-in-one virtual library provides psychiatrists and mental health professionals with key resources for diagnosis, treatment, research, and professional development. Get access to PsychiatryOnline (requires ACE username and password)

Top Journals

Cascading image of articles outlined in red borders.The following is a list of the top journals in forensic psychiatry. Some titles are freely available and others are provided through institutional subscription. If you are looking for a particular journal, please use the UNLV Libraries' Journals A-Z search.

Forensic Psychiatry Journals

Interlibrary Loan Services at UNLV Libraries

Don't see a journal or journal article in our collection?

As a part of UNLV, you have access to a fast interlibrary loan service that can locate full text articles, book chapters, and other materials. To sign up for interlibrary loan, please visit the Interlibrary Loan page.

Top Books

Open book outlined in a red border.The following is a list of books and ebooks in forensic psychiatry. Titles are provided through   institutional subscription or has hard copies where available. If you are looking for a book title,   please use the UNLV Libraries' Catalog search.

Forensic Psychiatry EBooks

Print or Older Editions

These titles are either housed at the Lied Library (located on the main campus) or are older electronic versions.

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