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English 102: Help

How to Get Help

How to Get Help

  • UNLV Libraries Help: Read the FAQs or get immediate help via chat (instant messaging), text, or phone. 
  • Schedule a Research Consultation: Use the online form to schedule some one-on-one time with a librarian. The English 102 Librarian who met with your class is the best person to start with, but anyone who works with English 102 can help. We will work together for an hour to make sure your research process is heading in the right direction. 
  • UNLV Writing Center: The Online Writing Lab is an online asynchronous consultation where you e-mail them a copy of your paper while consultations let you meet one-on-one with a writing consultant synchronously in person or online. 

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English 102 Librarians

series of headshots of librarians who help with ENG 102 classes

Request Help For:
  • Topic Development
  • Finding Resources


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