This guide is written at a 4th- to 5th-grade reading level.
It will be easy to read for people with low English reading abilities.
It presents scientific ideas in a way that is easy to understand.
severe headache
new neurologic symptoms
severe abdominal pain
shortness of breath
leg swelling
tiny red spots on the skin (petechiae)
new or easy bruising
66.3% of people who got the vaccine were protected from getting sick with COVID-19 after 2 weeks.
100% of those who did get sick did not have to go to the hospital.
The Janssen/J&J vaccine is less effective than the mRNA vaccines.
On April 13, 2021 the CDC and FDA paused giving J&J vaccines. They allowed their use again starting April 25th, 2021.
The pause was because 6 people out of 7 million developed blood clots after taking the vaccine.
Clots are solid clumps of cells that block blood flow in the body.
It is still not known if the vaccine caused the clots.
All people who had clots were female and 18 to 48 years old.
The reaction happened between 6 and 13 days after getting the J&J vaccine.
The CDC and FDA determined the benefits of giving the vaccine were much more important than the risk of blood clots.