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Shar: Non-physical domestic violence
Mohit: Faith in Elections
Otoniel: healthcare access for undocumented; bridge gaps; unaccompanied minors; asylum seekers
Laisha: lack of walkability; aging; disabled UNLV
Alister: Urban poverty traps: Urban poor-are they restricted to upper social mobility
Monse: Zoning; changing public notification; lawsuits; housing policy; zoning-residential/commercial OR Charter school regulations vs lark county policy
Chauntille: Sustainable energy: solar; efficient transportation; socioeconomic–costs; schools; poverty traps; food deserts–other cities; efficient transportation systems; food access; solar; green
Hospitality focused: gaming taxes–redistribution of income; hungry people; no permanent housing
Nicole: Lack of MH services for K-12; nongov project; make people aware; effective
Jessica: Homelessness with College Students
Anthony: School-based health centers
Hannah: Urban policy & reform; regional wildlife; build upwards; unused and regional natural resources