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Dental Medicine

Supports programs in the School of Dental Medicine.

Research Instrument Websites and Web Portals

UNLV Research Instrument Guides

UNLV Test & Measures Subject Guide - This guide contains information to help you find print materials about tests and measures related to educational research and psychology.

National Services Offering Test Instruments

Educational Testing Service. "Test Link."

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse - This link is an AHRQ resource that will help you to learn more about outcome measures and the development and use of test measures.

University Sponsored Articles and Websites - Tests & Instruments

Stanford University. School of Medicine. "Research Instruments Developed, Adapted or Used by the Stanford Patient Education Research Center."

Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences resource page: compiled by Helen Hough, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington. Contents include Compilation volumes' table of contents (127 resources, about 12,000 measures; additional in RefShare version of database), Links to Various Libraries' Tests and Measures FAQs , and Publications examined but not indexed.

Test Instruments and Measures: extensive guide compiled by UNC-Health Sciences Library

Finding Measurement Tools:  A tutorial from the University of Washington that walks you through the process for finding measurement tools including scenarios for Find Specific Test, Find Test for Variable, Find Quality of Life Tests, and Find Test Reviews.  Includes Quick Tips and Resource Tables.

HINT: Remember to truncate words with an asterisk to retrieve multiple word endings

Ex. Measure* will retrieve measurements, measure, and  measures


NIH Toolbox & PROMIS Registration Information


Search HINT: Remember to truncate words with asterisk to retrieve multiple word endings

Ex. Measure* will retrieve measurements, measure, and  measures

Cochrane Methodology Register

"Is a bibliography of publications that report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books, and conference proceedings, and the content is sourced from MEDLINE and hand searches. CMR contains studies of methods used in reviews and more general methodological studies that could be relevant to anyone preparing systematic reviews. CMR records contain the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details), and, in some cases, a summary of the article. They do not contain the full text of the article." Last Updated 2012.


Do a regular search and limit to the publication type "research instrument" or "questionnaire/scale."

Dissertations and Theses

If you know the name of the instrument it may have been used in somebody's thesis or dissertation.  If so, the instrument could be reprinted there, along with information on who to contact to get permission to use it.

Mental Measurements Yearbook


Do a MeSH search (subject search) and add headings such as "questionnaires" or "qualitative research."


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