This page contains a list of good places to begin your research process. There is mix of article databases and other related resources relevant to the disciplines within the School of Community Health Sciences.
Embase is an index to scholarly articles in medicine, biomedical sciences, and allied health subjects.
Embase content is indexed using a specialized thesaurus, Emtree, that includes biomedical, chemical, and drug terms. There is a special focus on drugs and devices.
Searches scholarly journal articles. Set preferences to UNLV for full text access!
Google Scholar searches for scholarly materials such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and reports from many academic and technical fields. It is freely available to anyone searching the Internet; however, many of the links that lead to full text resources are not. On your first visit, go to Google Scholar Preferences and use the Library Links box to set UNLV as your source for no-fee access to many full text articles. For answers to questions about Google Scholar, check out the FAQ.
PubMed is a service of the US National Library of Medicine that provides free access to MEDLINE, the NLM database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles. It also includes additional selected life sciences journals not found in MEDLINE.
Web of Science is a platform for Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Index, Journal Citation Reports, Biological Abstracts, MEDLINE, and Inspec. Help?