Strategy 1: Chronicle of Higher Education plus scholarly journal article
- Search for your retention/dropout factor in the Chronicle of Higher Education, a news source for people who work in colleges and universities. Click "Search within this publication" to get a search box. Look for a relatively recent article (maybe after 2015, after 2020 would be better).
- Build your background
- What terms do the reporters use to describe the problem? Who is involved? You can use these terms for searching later.
- Does the article mention a particular study? Use details like author, title of the article, or title of the journal to track it down (Mark can help with this).
- Use what you learned in the Chronicle article to track down a peer reviewed article.
- Use Academic Search Premier or Quicksearch (the search engine on the library home page).
- Limit your results to peer-reviewed articles.
Strategy 2: Scholarly journal article only
- Use Academic Search Premier or Quicksearch (the search engine on the library home page).
- Limit your results to peer-reviewed articles.