Sample articles about Commercial Center
Want to try fancy Boolean search operators to search the newspaper collections more precisely?
AND narrows searches by returning only content that includes both key terms. Any number of words can be joined by the AND operator. OR will show results for either or both keywords. NOT narrows a search by eliminating specific aspects of a search. Use NOT to: Include one term, and not the other, such as palms NOT tree. Eliminate irrelevant articles, such as Mexico NOT "New Mexico." |
(parentheses) | (cat AND dog) OR mouse will find articles that contain cat and dog OR those that contain the word mouse, regardless of whether they contain cat and dog. (cat) AND (dog or mouse) will find articles that contain the words cat and dog OR cat and mouse. |
"exact phrase" | Use quotation marks to search an exact phrase - "Cashman Field" finds Cashman Field, not James Cashman or Cashman Elementary. |
*, ? | Wildcards: danc* will find dancers, dancing, dance; wom?n will find items containing woman or women. Wildcards cannot be used within quotations or with proximity operators. |
NEARx | x=number of words. Showroom NEAR5 Frontier finds sentences mentioning both a showroom and the Frontier Hotel (or Last Frontier, or Nissan Frontier). |
ADJx | ADJ finds terms adjacent. Lee ADJ2 Oswald will return results for both Lee Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald. Note that x equals the number of words between the two terms. |
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UNLV Student Newspaper
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