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Honors 100 Doyle: Library Guides

Suggestions for your annotated bibliography on communities, subcultures, or microcultures.

Teaching and Learning Librarian

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Mark Lenker
4505 South Maryland Pkwy.
Box 457001
Las Vegas, Nevada

Where do all of these databases come from?

QuickSearch is the search box centrally featured on the Libraries home page.  The other databases can be found under Databases A to Z -- the link is just below the QuickSearch search box.

To find books, use the QuickSearch search box on the Library Homepage

For scholarly journal articles, use QuickSearch on the Library Home Page, or try one of these specialized databases

Suggestion for finding popular sources, especially newspapers

Scenario 1 -- Search Terms: Discuss with a partner. We'll talk more as a class.

After several intense sets of frog squats, tactical lunges, and divebomber pushups, Clarence decides that he wants to research the bodybuilding community for his Honors 100 paper.

Clarence wants to find a range of information on the topic, so he goes to QuickSearch on the Library Home Page and types What are the characteristics of the bodybuilding subculture?  He gets zero results.

What did Clarence do wrong?  What would be a more productive set of search terms?

Scenario 2: Popular or Scholarly? Discuss with a partner. We'll talk more as a class.

Professor Doyle has asked for scholarly sources for the annotated bibliography.  Help Clarence decide which of these two sources is scholarly.  Both sources come from UNLV Libraries databases.

Source A (be sure to examine a PDF version)

Source B (be sure to examine a PDF version)

Identify three factors that make one scholarly and the other not scholarly.

Scenario 3: Known-item searching. Discuss with a partner. We will talk more about this in class.

Clarence found some very promising sources in the bibliography at the end of a journal article.  Help him track these sources down.  If the source is a book, note the call number and location.  If the source is an article, find the full text in pdf.

Thompson, J. Kevin, and Guy Carfi. The Muscular Ideal : Psychological, Social, and Medical Perspectives. APA, 2007.

Petrocelli, M. 2008.  Getting Huge, Getting Ripped.  Journal of Drug Issues, 38, 1187-1206.


Scenario Responses

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