FAB335X: Aesthetics of Music and Wine: Finding Articles
Learn how music genres and wine styles affect atmosphere, decor, lighting, design, and mastery of an overall experience. By providing students with music and wine knowledge, techniques, creativity, innovative skills, a clear understanding of the histor
Hospitality & Tourism CompleteThis link opens in a new window1960-
Full text of articles about hotel management, food service and beverage management, travel and tourism, event management, gaming, international cuisine, law, market trends, research and more
Hospitality & Tourism Complete is a database covering scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. Full-text coverage of over 200 publications that include the subject areas of hotel management, food service and beverage management, travel and tourism, event management, gaming, international cuisine, law, market trends, research and more.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowAn archive of more than 700 important scholarly journals covering business, ecology, education, ethnic studies, history, literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, and sociology with content ending 3-5 years ago
JSTOR digitally archives more than 700 scholarly journals. Subjects include African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, business, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, and more.
Music IndexThis link opens in a new window1975-Index to music journals.
The Music Index covers more than 725 international music periodicals back to 1975. Periodicals indexed covers both classical and popular music subjects. The Music Index is a primary resource for indexing performance, book, and record reviews, as well as obituaries.
RILM Abstracts of Music LiteratureThis link opens in a new window1967-1 simultaneous user Primary index for journal articles, dissertations, and book chapters in music.
Update frequency: monthly RILM Abstracts is the primary resource for indexing of music journal articles, dissertations, book chapters, and festschriften. It covers approximately 350 music journals dating back to 1969, and is the only index that covers book chapters and dissertations in music. Materials covered are scholarly in nature, and entries contain detailed abstracts on the article, dissertation, or book cited.