All items in the Technology Lending Reserves collection have a checkout period of 7 days, 3 days, or End of Day (item is due 15 minutes before the library closes) depending on item type. ALL equipment is expected to be returned by the specific due date or late charges will apply. All equipment must be returned to the Circulation Desk and handed to a staff member.
Current UNLV Students, Faculty and Staff ONLY
Current UNLV Students, Faculty and Staff ONLY
All patrons borrowing equipment/technology agree to the following:
You agree to safely return the equipment and all of its accessories, pieces, and parts, directly to the Lied Library Circulation Service Desk, by the correct due date/time.
You assume full responsibility for the equipment during the term of the loan, including damage to / loss / theft of equipment, or of any part of the equipment.
You agree to pay all appropriate late fees, replacement and/or repair expenses due to negligence.
You assume full responsibility for set-up and operation of this equipment, and understand that the University Libraries' are not responsible for providing technical support.
You agree to pay the appropriative LATE FEES for equipment returned after due date/time given.
Most of our equipment/technology items begin with the same call number, so you can conduct an advanced search within quicksearch to bring back a comprehensive list.