Policy Issue: Water scarcity/Meeting Water availability needs in Colorado River Basin
Shortage looming/declaration
Needs Help w/Finding the Following Information:
Augmentation efforts—water markets w/tribes/other users in Colorado River Basin
Interbasin Transfers/Intrabasin/Columbia River Basin; late 1970s-policy proposal; Transfer water from the Columbia River Basin to the Colorado River Basin:
In 1968 Congress declared a ten-year moratorium on any study of diversion of Columbia River water to the Southwest.' (find info about this)**
Tribes – In many cases have Senior priority/water rights
Tribes want to develop—sell it to Los Angeles/NV
What’s the status quo?
2007 guidelines
Drought Contingency Plan
U.S. Mexico Water Treaty - Minute 319/323
Analyzing Policy—How do we go from here?
Curtailed Water
Political Pressures
Augment water supply
Existing conservation activities
Augmentation & future status quo: shortage—How to get out of it?
Analyze: How do we meet the availability needs?
Renegotiate this law
Bring it down one more level
Do you know how I can download this journal? **Sent it to you via email 3/14/20 https://www.jstor.org/stable/725287?seq=1
What is the status quo with Army military construction “MILCON”?
How does MILCON work? What is the process?
Identify problems & causes
What information is needed?
Needs general data: Aerial; unclassified policies; engineers; federal
Rules related to military construction
Info on Govinfo.gov; other.gov & .mil resources
Range of building rules; definitional issues
Why does it take 5-8 years to build a gym? (for example)
Future: What can we cut to make “MILCON” a quicker process; Construct a building--eliminate red tape; streamlining projects?
Policy Focus: Innovating: state IT systems; how we might be able to improve IT NV infrastructure via blockchains.
Defining: --file cabinet: each is a block; linked by a chain;--secure way of entering into contracts; file drawers are linked; Ledger==very hard for someone to change a transaction; linked data; very hard to tamper with; decentralized; no one entity
Unemployment benefit NV: apply technology; case study
Macro: Technology; NV Context;
General: Quantitative model 2008
Case studies: digital currency
Identify: a model from a quantitative standpoint; utilize inputs & outputs
Visualize; available infographics
**systems analysis course: quantitative model
Real world applications
NV: organizational chart: how IT is structured in the state
Application in blockchain; Why/how the silos exist?
--Two major outcomes with blockchains: fraud is eliminated; reduce the cost of administering programs;
Blockchains/IT: How IT as a policy—modernizing indiv bill numbers
Roadblocks; how to better position the argument
Mapping the status quo
What is the current IT network in the state?
--Let’s Look at DETR
--Status quo of block chain
--Visual Map: Graph of Different Pieces that Aren’t Connected—Tease out the DETR piece
Business & Industry
Dept of Ed
IT Map of the 8 largest
DETR: separate entity; org chart w/that agency—benefits & claims
Once we know what’s going on in NV..
Highly Technical: LEGAL—Digital Contracts
Gov Entity dealing w/Fed Funds to enable a pilot to take place
Information Needed: Case Studies? Legislation? What other information?
Two Possible Focus Areas:
1) Improving clean public transportation solutions to further mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate increasing average temperature in Las Vegas and Nevada
2) Expanding solar and geothermal energy in Nevada, lower greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the negative impacts of rising average temperature in Nevada
#1: Possible resources for your first idea:
#2: Possible resources for your second idea: