Policy Focus: Educational Disparities for Latino Population in Higher Education
Interested in looking @Latino graduation landscape; status quo of things; nationally-equity gaps in Latino college degree completion
NV college completion rate: rather low in comparison to the Latino student population in general
Need more Latino students to graduate from college
Challenges: move forward—see possible solutions;
Percentage of Whites, African Americans, Latinos, etc.--graduation rates over time
Graduation rates are growing faster: gap is growing: mathematically…How are we looking into the numbers?
Percentage-wise: Find Latino-overall numbers
Is there a graduation problem in Nevada? What about on a national level? (Nationally: Latino grad rate is 24%; NV: 16 % of Latinos are graduating; 46% of White students are graduating)
Yes, it is growing; but it needs to be accelerated to meet the needs of workforce
Current efforts in NV to accelerate NV latino grad rates need to be raised; they are insufficient
Everything that is being done: High school programs; NSHE system; Federal programs;
Historical trends—where we ought to be going
What information & resources still need to be found/investigated:
Are there w/in NV studies & reports about college graduation post secondary completion/graduation?
Aside from the Guinn Center, are there studies/reports specifically focused on the Latino population?
Does NSHE keep data on attrition rates/transfer rates?
Financial Aid in NV?
Look into underrepresented student population groups
Look into historical figures (the last 20 years)
Groups support NV Latino graduation (Programs w/in the state)
The research I continue to need:
Note: Must decide after research is gathered whether to focus on bedside/clinical nurses if there is enough data or to simply focus on registered nurses.
Topic: Student Fees w/in NSHE for Undergraduates
Student Retention (Undergrads)
Course Fees (besides textbooks):
Online education
Needing a laptop
Special programs
Student Success fees
Health Center
Gap Services
Administrative fees
Grad admission
Differential fees
Guest speakers
NSHE Challenges w/Fees
Big inconsistencies across institutions
How they’re assessed; semester basis
Charged only once, difficulties w/transparency
All of the fees are not labeled the same across NSHE system as a whole
Needs to Find
Historical Data on Fees; NSHE current fees previous catalogs;
Demonstrate a trend over 10-20 years
Student retention/Student attrition
**Please note, Nancy: I have sent a message to UNLV Special Collections to see if they have past years' fees in their UNLV Archives. Hope to hear from them soon.