With a focus on student safety and well-being, this guide is designed to provide general information and links to resources about anti-oppression and related topics such as diversity, inclusion, and social justice for the UNLV academic community. Intended to be non-partisan, many resources offered here are for everyone regardless of political affiliation or viewpoint. In some cases, resources and links related to issues and specific policies proposed by elected officials are part of this guide as these issues and proposed policies directly impact professional and personal lives of members of our community, such as immigrants or people of color.
We would like to offer our appreciation to the following individuals and other valued colleagues who contributed to the development of this guide.
Christine Clark, Professor, Teaching & Learning
Brittany Fiedler, Teaching & Learning Librarian
Mariana Sarmiento Hernández
Sue Wainscott, Engineering Librarian
This guide seeks to serve as a starting point and is not meant to be exhaustive. It is our goal to continue its development in response to evolving needs of the community. We welcome suggestions from all members of the UNLV academic community.
If you have feedback about this guide or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact Sue Wainscott, Engineering Librarian
(Go to the Report Hate/Get Help tab for immediate help, if an emergency dial 911.)
Becoming an Ally
(Artwork by Anita Revilla, Quote added, Used with permission from the artist)
If you experience privilege because of one of your identities, there are things you can do to become an ally of the marginalized group that experiences the form of oppression you have never experienced. Becoming an ally takes a lot of hard work. Simply saying you are an ally is not enough. You must educate yourself about the issues, examine your own privilege, and do the hard work that is involved in reversing that privilege so that you treat others with marginalized identities as equals, instead of inadvertently advancing your own privilege and contributing to their oppression. Then, there are actions you can take to challenge and dismantle systems of oppression and injustices in our society. This whole process can be very challenging, and as you become more self-aware, you may experience guilt or shame and make mistakes along the way. However, it is better to engage in this difficult process in order to become an ally than do nothing yourself to fix the injustices that you are a part of because of your privilege. Below are some resources to help you get started.
Becoming an ally can be a difficult and painful process, yet it is so important to become an ally if you care about the marginalization of others and want to engage in the fight for social justice. Here are a few things to remember if you seek to become an ally, a list from Everyday Feminism - http://everydayfeminism.com/2013/11/things-allies-need-to-know/.