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PPY 710; Problem Identification and Agendas (Bernick): Library Guides

Resource guide to assist in PPY 710 projects.

UNLV Library Databases

Good Resources for AGENDA SETTING. Overviews & background information, Look for articles written before the legislation was passed. Check the relevant year volumes of CQ library and Press sources to see who, what and why the legislation was introduced.  

Newspaper Databases

Policy-Related Web Resources

Center for Strategic & International Studies
An international policy institute, the CSIS focuses on a number of topics including defense and security, governance, technology and global trends.

Policy Archive
This collection of public policy research is gathered from sources such as the American Bar Association, the Brookings Institution, the Ford Foudnation, the Institute for Policy Studies, and others.

RAND Institute
The RAND institute provides research in a variety of areas such as arts, civil justice, education, national security, public safety, and other areas.

Comparitive Agendas Project Data & Codebooks: United States

Finding Data/Statistics

You can use Google to find statistics published by federal, state, and local agencies by adding to your keywords, such as:

  • "crime statistics"
  • "teen pregnancy statistics"

More Government Resources

Easy way to find government info:
After you type in your keywords on Google, then type,
Called the U.S. government's official web portal, this site allows usrs to search for information across all federal agencies, as well as at the local and state levels.
This site, formerly known as, from the Library of Congress provides legislative information including bill tracking, presidential nominations, the text of committee reports, and other information.

State Legislature

Policy Paper Examples

Citing Government Information

Government document – Electronic version

  • Identify the publisher as part of the retrieval statement unless the publisher has been identified as the author: Retrieved from Agency name website: http://www.xxxxxxx
  • Some publisher homepages—such as those of government agencies or nongovernmental organizations—can be difficult to search, so citing the full URL for a document that takes the reader directly to the document may save time.


Government Department (Year published). Document title (pub no). Retrieved from


  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003). Managing asthma: A guide for schools (NIH Publication No. 02-2650). Retrieved from http://www.nhlbi

Using RefWorks to Manage Citations/Create Bibliographies

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic software package that enables you to:

  • Organize your research
  • Create a bibliography in a variety of citation styles, including APA, MLA and Chicago
  • Import references from many data sources
  • Create bibliographies in different document formats (Word, RTF, HTML, etc.)
  • Include citations while you write your paper

"New" RefWorks Instructions

Urban Affairs Librarian

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Susie Skarl, Urban Affairs Librarian
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