Indexes the literature of sociology and related disciplines.
In addition to the UNLV Libraries databases, you may want to explore Google Scholar. Below are some tips and information about accessing our resources through Google Scholar:
Federal, state, and local government agencies have a wide range of resources--including reports, statistics, and factsheets--related to crime. One easy way to investigate government crime resources is to go to Google and type in site:.gov after your keywords.
For example:
Remember: Government sources go back for decades on Google, so click on "Tools" to refine your search by date.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Correctional Health
Government site that rates criminal justice and crime victim services based on study data supporting the effectiveness of the programs.
Funded by the federal government, NCJRS offers substance abuse and justice information that supports research, program development, and policy.
Links to the agencies within the U.S. Justice Department, such as Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Office for Victims of Crime, the Office on Violence Against Women, etc.
Links to publications on the work of the department, an agency of the U.S. Justice Department.
This site compiles a wide variety of criminal justice statistics published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, part of the U.S. Justice Department.
Data on campus safety and security from the U.S. Department of Education.
Links to government data sets. This category includes criminal justice and corrections, in addition to traffic safety, industrial safety, natural disasters, etc.
Includes statistics of DEA arrests, drug seizures and meth lab incidents, plus links to related resources.
Links to Bureau of Prisons data, plus links to related resources.
Data reports on school crime, safety, violence, and discipline.
Data on school crime and safety
Statistics on juvenile justice, from another agency of the U.S. Justice Department.
Data about arrestee drug use, drug expenditures and consumption, etc.
Data about the work of the U.S. Marshals Service
The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports include a number of reports, such as: Crime in the United States, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, Hate Crime Statistics, and the National Incident-Based Reporting System.
Links to state agencies and resources about corrections and public health for all states. A resources of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Links to agencies and reports for each state.