Use this page to learn what questions will be asked on the Census, what language the Census will be available in, who to count, and to take the Census.
The Census is available in 12 languages: Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese. The Census Bureau reports that over 99% of households in the nation speak English or one of the 12 aforementioned languages. The Census will be available in these 12 languages online, over the phone, through the mail, and in person. The Census Bureau will provide support for those who speak a language other that the twelve listed above. View the Census Bureau's 2020 Census Support for Languages document to learn more.
View the Census Bureaus Informational Copy of the Census to physically see what the Census will look like and exactly what questions will be asked.
View the Census Bureau's Questions Asked on the Form webpage to see a breakdown of each question asked and an explanation of why the Bureau asks each question.
The goal of the Census is to get an accurate count of everyone living in the United States and its five territories. When you complete the Census you should count yourself at the place where you are living and sleeping most of the time as of April 1, 2020.
For more information about who to count on your census visit the Census Bureau's Who To Count webpage.
This page also contains information about how college students should count themselves.
If you're ready to take the Census, visit the Census Bureau's website and help improve representation in your community today!