With lack of transparency on data used in any particular AI model it is unclear if/how authors/creators works are credited/attributed in the model. Additionally there are growing concerns about the unauthorized inclusion of content. When using AI generated content in your research you may be inadvertently including another person's work with incorrect or no citation and attribution, raising issues regarding plagiarism and intellectual property rights.
The challenges brought into the copyright system by generative AI are still being discussed and understood.
The United States Copyright Office has launched an initiative to examine the copyright law and policy issues raised by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, including the scope of copyright in works generated using AI tools and the use of copyrighted materials in AI training. The law is unsettled regarding copyright and generative AI but it is important to be aware that established concepts such as fair use, authorship and derivative works all apply to the creation and use of generative AI content.
For more information on Copyright and Author's Rights, please visit the Copyright and Author Rights guide.