Social Explorer Profiles helps you find the right facts about your community and understand complex demographic and education profiles in your target market.

Illustration of a hand holding magnifier.


Census is an immense source of data, which can make finding the right facts that much harder. Social Explorer Profiles provides you with all the relevant information to help kick off your research.

Illustration of a student doing research on a laptop.


Whether you’re doing market research, writing a thesis, or you’re just curious about your community, Social Explorer Profiles takes you from raw data to meaningful stories, and helps you analyze socio-economic data, discover trends and gain insight into the world around you!

Illustration of a hand over a data report with charts and tables.


Don’t spend hours on end reading endless documentation and sifting through tedious tables. Social Explorer Profiles instantly visualizes the data and groups with vibrant and meaningful charts by topic.

Not sure where to begin?

Kick off your research with examples below.

  • States
  • Counties
  • Places
  • MSA
  • ZIP Codes