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Honors 100 Jerinic-Pravica: Library Guides

Strategies for research for your annotated bibliography on the arts and evolutionary adaptations.

Teaching and Learning Librarian

Profile Photo
Mark Lenker
4505 South Maryland Pkwy.
Box 457001
Las Vegas, Nevada

Problems with online access?

Discipline-specific databases for scholarly literature

Suggestion for finding popular sources, especially newspapers

Search Terms

General or Specific Terms for Art Terms for Evolution and Adaptation
Most general art evolution, natural selection, Darwin
General dance well-being, fitness, coping, social, psychological
Specific social dance cognition, creativity, social inclusion/belonging (isolation/loneliness), influence/persuasion, sexual attractiveness
Most specific ballroom dance, hip-hop, salsa IQ, academic achievement, bullying, friendship, manipulation/propaganda, dating, romantic relationships

Note that it is possible to combine general terms for art and specific terms for  adaptations, traits, or behaviors, and vice versa.  For example, a search for dance AND cognition uncovers a wealth of research sources.

Also note that it can be productive to search for information on:

  • art terms and adaptation terms in combination:  theater AND psychology
  • art terms and adaptation terms individually:  hip-hop AND history

"Picking Your Topic is Research"

Finding Articles

Finding Books (including E-books)

Popular or Scholarly?

Compare this piece of science journalism (a popular source) with this article from a peer-reviewed journal (a scholarly source -- look at the PDF version).  Just skim, don't read the whole thing closely.  Note the following features of each piece:

  1. What can you tell about the authors’ credentials?
  2. What guarantees do you have about the quality of the information?
  3. What level of detail does the article share?  What kinds of details (generally speaking)?
  4. What can you tell about where each article gets its information?
  5. Which article seems more impressive?  Why?
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