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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription - use this feedback form to let us know which of the trial databases you'd like UNLV Libraries to add!
New and Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
A tool used to help researchers and authors find the online impact of their published works. UNLV affiliates can create an account using their unlv.nevada.edu or unlv.edu email.
Global newspaper coverage of the African American experience from 1704 to today; sourced from nearly 20,000 American and global newspapers including over 400 African American newspapers. Updated daily.
The CBS News Video Archive collection compiles stories broadcast on seven news programs between 1950-2010, including programs never before available for distribution since their original broadcast dates.
Information on the influence of periodicals, institutions, scholars, and subject areas using a variety of metrics and other statistical data. Requires a Web of Science account using your unlv.nevada.edu or unlv.edu email.
Primary sources about Mexican history from Spanish contact with Indigenous communities, through colonial rule, Independence, the National and Reforma periods and the onset of the Revolution.
Mexico in History is an online collection illuminating the country’s past, from Spanish contact with Indigenous communities, through colonial rule, Independence, and the National and Reforma periods and the onset of the Revolution. The collection explores Mexico’s history from 1500-1929 through social, religious and political change. The collection includes rare manuscripts and visual materials including maps, photographs, illustrations and graphic art.
This database provides a comprehensive documentary record of the history of the Olympic Games as well as the growing prominence and influence sport had over multiple aspects of culture, society, and politics (and vice versa) around the world between the 1890s and the 1990s.