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EOH709 Scientific and Technical Writing/Pharr: Library Workshop

This guide supports instruction for EOH709.

EOH 709 Library Workshop Questions

1) ​How do I effectively use Concept Maps to organize topics?

Concept maps can be used for varying purposes. I think whomever wishes to use a concept map needs to ask themselves a few questions:

1) Are you a visual person who thinks in pictures?

2) How will a concept map help me organize my topic?

3) What does a concept map offer me that is unique from other tools?

4) What is my project?


After asking yourself these questions I recommend trying out a concept mapping tool for a topic to see if concept mapping is suitable to your project.

2) I’d like to learn more about search strings in PubMed they are still a bit complicated?

PubMed has a good set of tutorials to help you learn the intricacies of PubMed. Try the tutorials. If you find that you need more help make an appointment with me.


3) How do I keep the literature review process organized and clear? I recommend spending a  hour thinking about your research process. Ask yourself these questions:

1) Where do you search for literature?  (Ex. Google, Google Scholar, other paid resources through your University Library)

2) How do you organize your literature? (Ex. You use a bibliographic management system to organize all of your citations.)

3) What works best for you? (Ex.An automated system? Spreadsheet tracking? Some other system?)


An important thing to remember is that you have to think about yourself as a researcher and how you conduct research. No one approaches a literature review the same way, each of us had a different process. Take time to figure out your method, and from their, you can work on organization. If you need further assistance, please schedule an appointment with your Health Sciences Librarian. 

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